Message from our NEC of the WOCN President Mary Harris
President's Message
December, 2024
Please forgive me for this late letter, Thanksgiving and getting ready for the Holidays have put this on my “back burner”. Now I sit here thinking back to my first year as your Chapter President. There have been a lot of changes from National that have impacted us at the Chapter level. But there are things that have remained the same, such as: Our wonderful Board of the New England Chapter. They are consistently loyal to you. The volunteer hours put in by all of them, plus their co-chairs and committee members are too numerous to count. I am thankful for their support.
The Education Committee Members, led by Sharon Davis and Co-chair Cheryl Rothermel, put on a fabulous conference in Mystic, CT. We had a record number of posters and we apologize for being so crowded in the new venue. Our theme for 2024 was: Belonging, Promoting Partnerships by embracing opportunities and diversity. The following paragraph is my view of this theme:
We belong to an amazing National organization, begun in 1968. An organization that is diverse, has published evidence-based research from within our own membership in our own Journal, in 2005 joined the ANA as an organizational affiliate, and we have partnered with the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) on a few projects in recent years, including the Ostomy Care Management/OCM program (most recently) as well as the Stoma Site Marking initiatives: https://www.wocn.org/stomasitemarking/
During our Conference, we had several members volunteer for our committees. Thank you for joining us. Your new perspective to each committee is very welcome. New insight and ideas help us to stay current and fresh as a Chapter. Your new Secretary was elected. Please welcome Liz MacWhinnie to the executive board for the next 2 years. We also asked for input and questions to help us help you. We appreciate the many questions and concerns, your board will be discussing them as we move forward into 2025. Your Chapter is also on social media: Facebook and Instagram.
Some of the changes coming “down” from National is:
Communities is the new way for us to communicate with you. Please go on www.wocn.org and sign in, there you will find “communities”. You have already been assigned to the New England Chapter. Please do not delete yourself from getting regular emails from the Chapter. Eventually you will only know what’s going on through this venue. You will have options to sign up for your scope of practice too.
National is requiring each Chapter to have a Board of Directors. Your Leadership Committee, led by Diane Bryant, is working on incorporating this into our election cycle. We will need a few more volunteers to help us. This is not a requirement of National but is a broader requirement for volunteer businesses such as the National WOCN® and all the Chapters.
Your leadership team has quarterly meetings with National who are open to listening to our concerns and questions. They are always available for guidance and questions anytime we need them. This is a big change from National, prior to this past year, the only time there was open communication was at our Annual President’s Meeting at the National Convention.
We are aligning ourselves with National and changing the name of the Education Committee to Conference Planning Committee. Since this Committee is solely responsible for your conference, it makes more sense. Please mark you calendars for 2025 October 17 & 18 in Mystic, CT, when we focus on you as a Leader “WOC this Way: Lead with Care, Compassion & Courage”
I look forward to working with you and your board in 2025. In closing, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely Yours,
Mary Harris, BSN, RN, CWON
New England Chapter President, 2023-2025

WOCN successfully advocated for the inclusion of an important Congressional policy at the end of 2022. The Lymphedema Treatment Act was included in this last legislative vehicle to move in the 117th Congress and signed into law before the end of the year.
This important legislation would amend Medicare statute to pay for compression garments, bandages and supplies to reduce lymphedema-related swelling and prevent recurrence. WOCN joined with other Alliance clinical groups to present best practices for lymphedema treatment as well as a comprehensive discussion of what products are used for treatment and how products are fitted. In addition, the Alliance sent a more detailed written document explaining in greater detail the following items:
Treatment of lymphedema from initiation to maintenance
Other diagnostic considerations- e.g., phlebolymphedema
Maintenance and fitting of the compression items
What is involved with the measure, fit and application of bandages and compression items
Input on types of items necessary to treat lymphedema in addition to compression garments
Expected timeframes these items last and how often they should be replaced
Recommendation that CMS establish HCPCS or CPT codes along with coverage and payment for the following:
CPT procedure codes specific for measuring, fitting and education related to compression garments. Currently there are not skill specific CPT codes for medical providers, allied health and/or fitters to account for the time and expertise required to fit/measure/provide these compression items.
HCPCS codes for efficacy aids named above as well as custom compression garments for all body parts.​
This federal law passed on 12/23/22 went into effect on 1/1/24 to improve insurance coverage for the medically necessary, doctor-prescribed compression supplies that are the cornerstone of lymphedema treatment.

The New England Chapter of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (New England Chapter WOCN) is an association of WOC/ET Nurses, a division of the National Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse’s Society (WOCN).
Our purpose is to organize and sponsor educational opportunities, support leadership and professional development, encourage evidence-based nursing practice and advocate for the delivery of quality health care to all individuals with a wound, ostomy or continence related issue.
About WOC Nursing:
Wound, ostomy and continence (WOC) nursing is a multifaceted, evidence-based practice incorporating a unique body of knowledge to provide excellence in prevention, health maintenance, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitative nursing care to persons with select disorders of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary and integument systems. This complex, interdependent specialty encompasses the care of all patient populations across the continuum of care while providing a pivotal role as educator, researcher, and resource throughout the healthcare community. WOC nursing directs its efforts at improving the quality of life for individuals with wound, ostomy and continence concerns.
Whether you specialize in wounds, ostomies or incontinence, all three practice areas offer opportunity for professional growth as well as opportunity to play a pivotal role in the guidance of optimal patient care.
Please browse our website to learn more!