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Message from our NEC of the WOCN President Mary Harris


Welcome to Summer of 2024 with the recent heat wave behind us and summer vacations ahead of us!  A few weeks ago, I was at the National WOCN® Conference in Cleveland, OH, the birthplace of WOC Nursing!  What a great time of fun to include an evening at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame, and reconnecting with colleagues, as well as learning/updates from the WOC! I had the opportunity to “run into” my teacher from Cleveland Clinic, Paula Erwin-Toth!  It is always a pleasure to see her and so many of our National Leaders in one place.  What a proud heritage we have!

A few of our New England WOCN colleagues were inducted into the WOCN® Fellow Program.  This is the second year the National WOCN® Society has been doing this.  We are honored to have Catherine Milne, MSN, APRN, APN/ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP, WOCNF and Kate Lawrence, MSN, RN, CWOCN in our Chapter!  Congratulations!  See our Facebook page for more information on this.

The President’s Meeting at National was a recap of all the changes that have taken place in the past 4 years, and what is to come.  Here is a summary of the accomplishments:  Change of the name from Region to Chapter, Consolidation of Regions from 33 to 11, Closure of bank accounts from the affiliates to the Chapters, hiring of Capri for accounting purposes, all Chapter’s websites have been evaluated and will become standardized through National, Board orientations completed, and most importantly, Live Communities.

The following is what National is working on:  Chapter treasurer orientation with Capri, voting options that are secure and private for all Chapters, develop member awareness of communities, New Chapter Websites, regularly scheduled Chapter Leader zoom meetings, Scholarship assessment and plan – a lot of money not being utilized at the National level, Conference assessment, membership opportunities and integration.

An update on Communities:  At the New England Chapter breakfast meeting, about 12 members plus some board members were in attendance.  Only 3 members knew what I was talking about regarding Communities.  I had a tutorial planned and shared this with the members in attendance.  I asked these members, when they return to work, please share this new communication tool.  Eventually, this is the only way we will be able to communicate with you because the use of blast emails will no longer be available.  I will be repeating this tutorial at the Fall Conference for those in attendance.  National has expanded their “how to” tutorial with videos and written instructions, there will be a new member alert, the importance of WOCN® Society Membership.  National is working on a Mobil App for community members.

Please read your emails for your Fall 2024 Conference attendance and booking!  The Education Committee has been hard at work since Fall 2023 to bring you an outstanding educational experience!  The emails are coming from our event planner, Albrecht.  Please do not unsubscribe from them.  This is your opportunity to keep up with the latest research, products, posters, challenges that will benefit your practice.  The people presenting to you are your colleagues from New England.   They have worked hard to put together their topic.  Vendors are sponsoring meals and breaks, and we sincerely Thank them for their generosity!

Please click the link below to register for your New England Chapter Fall Conference on October 25-26, 2024:

Dates to Remember:

September 9 - Early Bird Rate Ends   September 16 - OnDemand Sessions are posted in Attendee Hub for viewingSeptember 30 - Poster Submissions DueOctober 1 - Outstanding Nurse of the Year Award Nominations DueOctober 1- Scholarship Applications DueOctober 25-26 - Live ConferenceNovember 14 - Deadline to complete the Individual Educational Activity Evaluation Form

We are also looking for nominations for secretary.  If you, or someone you know, is interested in having a more active role in the New England Chapter, please contact your leadership chair, Diane Bryant: newenglandwocnleadership@gmail.comVoting will commence mid-August, please watch your emails for this important information.

I wish you all a safe and happy summer! 

Sincerely Yours,

Mary Harris, BSN, RN, CWON                                                                                                                        

New England Chapter President, 2023-2025

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