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NER WOCN President's Message - May 9th, 2022


Hello New England Region, WOCN community,

I hope you are all well and enjoying our Springtime weather. Happy Nurses week!!

I just wanted to reach out to you wonderful WOC nurses to let you know what your board has been up. I would like to share with you opportunities that exist that can enhance your professional practice and give you the ability to obtain PGP points. Before I tell you about opportunities, let me remind you about our annual National WOC Conference held this year in Forth Worth Texas from June 5-8. WOC Next 2022 will be hybrid this year featuring both online and in person education. This is such a great opportunity to network with your peers and obtain education to remain current in your practice. We are a group that is dedicated to providing care to our patients with wounds, ostomies and continence and it’s a profession where we continue to make a huge impact on patient outcomes.

For those who are able to attend National Conference in person, the New England Region will be hosting a breakfast for its members on Sunday June 5 th at 7am in the Omni Hotel, Texas Ballroom A. We hope you plan on attending to have the opportunity to network with your peers, meet your board and enjoy some wonderful food and conversation. We presently have a total of 309 members so hope to see a lot of you in Texas.

If by chance it is not possible for you to attend National Conference this year, you have another option to stay current in your practice, network with your peers and attend exhibits with the vendors and seeing new products we can use daily to assist us in caring for our patients.

I am happy to report that registration will open for our Regional Conference in person this Fall at Mohegan Sun. This will take place the weekend of October 20-22. Registration should be opening May 11th so watch your email, Facebook and New England Region website located under the conference tab. Stay tuned for more information to come.

Your education committee is hard at work for Fall Conference. We have some amazing educational offerings this year which are listed on our website, ileoanal pouch, role of malnutrition in wound care, palliative hospice wound care, stoma marking, cultural diversities and its impact on wound care, urinary incontinence just to name a few. We are in need of posters for our poster session as well as challenges. Feel free to email the communications committee at if you have a great WOC challenge that you would like to share.

Your membership committee is hard at work as well. We continue to accept applications for scholarships which can be found on our website We are also reaching out to you to think about nominating someone for Nurse of the Year. Someone who has made an impact or

who has mentored you into become the amazing WOC nurse that you are. You can find this application on our website as well.

Did you know we have a Public Policy committee at the regional level. There are many public policy and advocacy opportunities available. If you are someone who would like to be involved with issues such as ostomy supply coverage, fistula supply coverage and lymphedema treatment, reach out to Barbara Falkowski at She would love to tell you all about what you can do as ateam to have a voice in legislation.

Our Youth Rally committee is in the process of looking for donations to send a child to camp. Stay tuned for more about this but did you know you can support Youth Rally whenever you shop on Amazon through Amazon smile? Check out our website under the youth rally tab for more information.

If you choose to volunteer for one of these committees, do you know you can obtain PGP points? We are always looking for volunteers to continue to keep our region strong.

Again, I am thrilled to serve as your President for the New England Region WOCN and I welcome comments, ideas and suggestions. Hope to see you in Texas in June.

Donna Loehner RN BSN CWON

President New England Region WOCN

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