It is hard to believe that my two years as President of the New England Region will be ending soon. I would like to thank the membership and the New England Region Board for their support and guidance. We have a wonderful hard working board always thinking of better ways to serve you, the members. I look forward to all the new beginnings when Bridget Mejza starts her new role as President. Please welcome Bridget, and the new Board members, and let them know your ideas. I would also like to thank our Treasurer, Debbie Therrien. Deb will also be leaving the board after 4 years.
This has been a year of change both for the New England Region and me personally. We have a new location for our Fall Regional Conference this year. I look forward to seeing everyone in Newport, RI. The Education committee has planned a full program and there is so much to do in the Newport area. I hope you will take some time for yourself. The Region has new bylaws to guide us, holding the region accountable professionally and financially, to our National Office. The Board has approved more available money for our members for scholarships. Technology has changed the way Information reaches our members. Facebook, emails and The New England Region WOCN web page is how members stay informed. Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook. The Region has gone paperless. Please remember, there are no handouts at the conference.
Our members have several opportunities to apply for scholarships. You can apply if you are returning to school or expanding your practice in Wound, Ostomy or Continence. Members can also submit an article to the newsletter, up to 5 members will have their Fall Conference Registration paid. Have you thought about attending the UOAA Youth Rally? The Janet Gillis Scholarship is available to pay the expense of attending the Rally. All the information is on our website, or members may ask Tina McDonald/Communications Committee, Marian Barry-Ravagni/Youth Rally or Liz Lemiska/Membership/PR/Scholarship Chair.
Please think about volunteering to serve on a committee: many hands make light work. It is also important to keep your information up to date with The WOCN National office as the Region uses the information to send communications.
Thank you and see you in November!
Jerra Sullivan