New England Region Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society Members:
Spring is finally here!. The sun is shinning. I would love to see some green leaves and flowers too.
Did you know that you can win a registration to our fall conference by submitting a blog post entry for our website? Check out the home page of the website for information. Every one who submits is entered into a drawing and there are four winners!!
Are you attending the WOCNEXT 2019 in Nashville Tennessee on June 23rd through June 26th, 2019?
We will have a New England Region WOC Nurses Society Business meeting on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 from 7:00 am to 9:00 am with a breakfast buffet. Please join us if you are there.
This year, the New England Region Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society will have a table/booth in the exhibitor vendor hall. This is a first for our region. We are looking for region members to help us staff the booth in the hall. You will be sharing information about our region including our Youth Rally efforts, history, and members who have held office in the National WOCN organization. If you are able to volunteer for a one or two hour shift, please send me an email at I will be sending out a schedule of available time slots. If you volunteer, you will receive a NERWOCN logo polo shirt and tote bag for your efforts. Check them out on the Merchandise tab of our website.
Speaking of our website, have you visited lately?
We have information about our conferences, our blog, and job postings. You will also find information about scholarships that we award every year totaling $10,000.00 under the WOC/ET Nurse tab. You can also find a nomination form for the New England Region Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society Nurse of the Year which is awarded at our fall conference. If you have questions, please contact Priscilla Poirier, our membership chair person
Submitted by Collette Sangupta, our Public Policy Chair:
The Lymphedema Treatment Act has gone to the senate with 45 co-sponsors on 2/14/19. If you have not sent a letter please follow the link to show your support.
Don’t forget we will have our New England Region WOC Nurses Society Fall Conference in Manchester NH October 18th & 19th, 2019. More information to follow soon. Reach out to Cherie Sapia if you have suggestions for speakers or topics.
Thank you for your attention, Mary Willis